Welcome to the Help Center!

Here, you'll find everything you need to navigate our platform smoothly. Whether you're looking to connect your wallet, create a challenge, or understand more about our platform's unique features, we've got you covered.


Connect Your Wallet

To use, you first need to connect a crypto account and a wallet. Once you click the "Connect" button in the top-right corner of the website, a list of wallets will be shown. You can choose the wallet that you use. Or, if you don't have one, you can click on the "Question mark" icon on the top-left side of the opened modal to read the instructions.

  1. Visit Open in your browser. For the best experience, you can also use your wallet's built-in browser.
  2. Connect: Look for the "Connect" button, usually located in the top-right corner of the website. Click on it.
  3. Choose Your Wallet: Select the digital wallet you use (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) from the list of options.
  4. Confirm Connection: Your wallet will ask you to confirm the connection with Follow the on-screen instructions in your wallet app to complete the connection.

Your wallet is now connected, and you're ready to start!

Create a Challenge

Creating a challenge on is simple. You will find the "Create new challenge" button; click on it, and you will be redirected to the challenge creation flow with three simple steps. Here, you can find an explanation of each step in detail:

Step 1: Choose a Challenge Type That Suits You Best offers two types of challenges:

  • Solo Challenges: Choose this if you want to challenge yourself.
  • Team Up: Challenge with Friends: Choose this if you want to do something with your friends or a group of people. Once you select this, you will see a field to add other participants' wallet addresses.

Step 2: Name Your Challenge and Set Parameters

You need to give a name to your challenge and set an end date for it. Then, select the progress type. Challenges can have different progress types based on how success is measured:

  • Periodic Check-ins: You must check in regularly to prove you make progress. When you are doing a check-in, it's you and only you; nobody is there to confirm or verify your check-in, and it's all on your honesty. For this type, you need to determine the check-in period. The minimum check-in period is 1 day.
  • End Goal Only: This type requires no check-ins. You just need to determine a third-party verifier's wallet address that you want to verify and finalize the challenge. The verifier will determine if you and other participants have failed or succeeded.

Step 3: Determine Pledge and Outcomes

In this step, you choose the token you want to pledge and the amount. You also choose the outcome of the challenge in case of non-completion. If the challenge is not completed, the outcome of the locked stake can vary:

  • Share with Community: By choosing this option, the lost amount will be added to the community share. SureYouDo will announce and start specific events to distribute the community share among the community members.
  • Distribute to Participants: By choosing this option, the lost amount of your stake will be distributed to the participants of the challenge. This is not an option for Solo Challenges.
  • Donation: By choosing this option, the lost amount of your stake will be donated to a specified charity.
  • Transfer: By choosing this option, the lost amount of your stake will be transferred to a specified wallet address.

And you can determine the platform commission you want to pay. The minimum commission is 1%. will take this commission from the total pledge amount. The commission will be paid in the same token as the pledge.

Once you fill all the fields, you can click on the "Create Challenge" button to create your challenge. You will be redirected to the challenges list page where you can see the details of your challenge. If you created a team challenge, you can share the ID of the challenge with your friends so they can join the challenge. For solo challenges, the challenge will start immediately after you create it. For team challenges, the challenge will start when the last remaining participant joins the challenge. You will get a notification when the challenge starts.

Join a Challenge

To join a challenge, you need the ID of the challenge. You can get the ID from the challenge creator. Once you have the ID, you can click on the "Join a Challenge" item in the menu. You will be redirected to the join challenge page where you can enter the challenge ID and check your join eligibility. You will also see the details of the challenge. If you are eligible to join the challenge, you can click on the "Join and Lock Pledge" button to join the challenge.

Cancel a Challenge

A challenge can only be canceled before it starts. If you want to cancel a challenge, you can click on the "Cancel" button on the challenge details card on the challenges page. You will be asked to confirm the cancellation. Once you confirm, the cancel transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and the challenge will be canceled. The pledge will be returned to the participants automatically.

Add a Check-in to a Challenge

If you are participating in a challenge that requires periodic check-ins, you need to do a check-in to prove your progress. You can do a check-in by clicking on the "Check-in" button on the challenge details card on the challenges page. You will be asked to confirm the check-in. Once you confirm, the check-in transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and the check-in will be added to the challenge. You can see the check-in details on the challenge details card.

Important notes:

  • You can only check in once during each check-in period.
  • You cannot add a check-in if the challenge has not started yet.
  • Missing a check-in means you will lose the proportion of the pledge amount you locked for the missed check-in. For example, if you locked 100 USDT and there are a total of 10 check-ins and you missed 2, you will lose 20 USDT.

Finalize a Challenge

All participants of a challenge can finalize the challenge if it is completed. A challenge will be completed if its duration has passed or all participants have checked in on the last day (for check-in required challenges). You can finalize a challenge by clicking on the "Finalize" button on the challenge details card on the challenges list page. You will be asked to confirm the finalization. Once you confirm, the finalization transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and the challenge will be finalized. The outcome of non-completion will be calculated and processed when a challenge is finalized. And the platform commission will also be deducted when the challenge is finalized.

Verify and Finalize a Challenge

For challenges with an end goal only progress type, a third-party verifier is required to verify the challenge. The verifier is the one that is selected by the challenge creator. You can see the list of challenges that you've been assigned as a verifier on the "Challenges to Verify" page. You can verify the challenge by clicking on the "Verify and Finalize" button on the challenge details card on the challenges to verify page. Once the verifier confirms the verification, the verification transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and the challenge will be finalized. The outcome of non-completion will be calculated and processed when a challenge is finalized. And the platform commission will also be deducted when the challenge is finalized. After finalization, participants can withdraw their money.

Withdraw Your Money

You can only withdraw your money after the challenge is finalized. You can withdraw your money by clicking on the "Withdraw" button on the challenge details card on the challenges list page. You will be asked to confirm the withdrawal. Once you confirm, the withdrawal transaction will be sent to the blockchain, and the money will be transferred to your wallet.

Different Challenge Statuses

Challenges go through various statuses:

  • Waiting for Participants to Join: Awaiting all participants to join the challenge.
  • In Progress: The challenge has started and is in progress.
  • Ended: The challenge duration has passed, but it's not finalized yet.
  • Finalized: The challenge is finalized, and the outcome is calculated.
  • Canceled: Canceled before the challenge started.

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For any other inquiries or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out through our community support channels. We're here to help make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Thank you for choosing, where your goals are worth more than just thoughts – they're worth your commitment.